Indian Hills C.C. - Local Rules
Out of Bounds:
All areas beyond Out of Bounds stakes at a public road are Out of Bounds. For example if on your ball played on #3 Choctaw hits the cart path, crosses the road and comes to rest on #4 tee the ball is Out of Bounds and cannot be played.
Seminole #1:
The far side of the creek on the right side and beyond is out of bounds from the tee to the walkway where the boundary stakes go toward the road near the putting green. Out of bounds is defined by its natural boundaries (that is, where the ground slopes down to form the depression that can hold the water).
Cherokee #9.
Parking lot is Out of Bounds.
Cherokee - Holes #4 & 5
The opposite hole is to be played as a penalty area. (See Rule 17) The opposite bank and beyond is considered unplayable. Players are not permitted to drive around or cross over to play their ball. Balls may be re-hit from the spot the original ball was last played. A ball may be dropped within two club lengths, no nearer the hole, of where the ball last crossed the margin of the penalty area of the hole being played.
Relief from new Sod, French drains and newly trenched areas:
Relief is available for lie of ball and area of intended swing only. All seams in the sodden area are considered as the same seam. Drop within one club length of the nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole.
Relief from putting green edge maintenance:
If a ball comes to rest in a groove/gap between the putting green and the general area, relief may be obtained by placing the ball on the putting green at the nearest point of relief from the gap/groove even if it is closer to the hole.
Greens Covers stored greenside are deemed Temporary Immovable Obstructions (TIO):
Interference by a TIO occurs when (a) the ball lies in front of and so close to the TIO that the TIO interferes with the player's stance or the area of his intended swing, or (b) the ball lies in, on, under or behind the TIO so that any part of the TIO intervenes directly between the player's ball and the hole and is on his line of play. Interference also exists if the ball lies within one club-length of a spot equidistant from the hole where such intervention would exist.
A player may obtain relief from interference by a TIO as follows: (a) the point on the course nearest to where the ball lies must be determined that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids interference as defined in Clause II and (c) is not in a Penalty area or on a Putting green. The player must lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, within one club-length of the point so determined on a part of the course that fulfills (a), (b) and (c) above.
Either side relief is available as an extra option for line of sight interference. Note: This option does NOT apply to a player taking physical interference relief under 16.1.
Aeration Holes:
In the General Area, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be lifted, without penalty, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole in the General Area. All aeration holes are treated as the same hole. On the Putting Green the ball may be lifted and placed on the nearest point of relief on the putting green.